Ridley Street, Tammin
6409 Western Australia


P & C

The Tammin Parents and Citizens Association operates to facilitate the involvement of parents, caregivers and community members to support the school through fundraising and volunteering.  School community members are encouraged to become actively involved. Meetings are usually held each term. The AGM is held annually in March. The mailing address for the P & C is PO Box 23 Tammin 6409.

The next meeting will be held in Term 3 Week 6, Wednesday 21 August 2024 TBC, in school Library. 

Office Bearers 2024

President-Sarah Symons

Vice President– Dan Jackson

Secretary-Sarah Symons

Treasurer-Kate Raston

EASA Representative -Emma De Cinque

North Bus Representative– Dan Jackson

South Bus Representative-Mel Marchant

Catering-Mel Marchant

Payment details for Tammin P & C Association

BSB          086 732

Account  508368447